PhinC Development would like to thank you for being part of this special event dedicated to the PBPK and organised jointly with Club Phase 1.
Thursday, April 4th, the 3rd edition of the Symposium brought together over 60 attendees at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris to focus on the theme: Physiologically Based PharmacoKinetic modeling (PBPK): A new Paradigm in Drug Development. The event offered community members the opportunity on the one hand to discover the current perspectives on PBPK and on the other hand to learn and grow personally and collectively in becoming advanced PBPK modelers.
Thank you for coming, thank you for your participation and thank you for the constructible discussions that we shared.
A special thanks to our speakers: Neil Parrott, Neil Miller, Xavier Pépin, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Justine Badée, Mailys De Sousa Mendes, Viera Lukacova, André Dallmann, Trevor Johnson and Paola Coppola. They graciously give their time and their expertise which contributed to make this event a success. Presentations are available on our website for vizualizing.